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In How High you'll find ...

How High is a rapidly developing city in the state of Wolfsden. The state is known for its sprawling forests, crystal clear lakes, and snow-peaked mountains. But, never mind that. How High has everything you could want: late-night food stands, local history museums, and most importantly: work, work, work. The city is home to the most state-of-the-art factories this side of whatever that big river’s name is. You might even occasionally see an automobile roaming How High’s maze of streets!

Of course, How High owes its success to The Wolfpack - the state’s very own resident gods. Six strong, a model family, and … sorry, did you say seven? No, you must’ve misheard. Six strong, champions of the working man! They hardly miss the forest this city used to be at all.

The poverty, bigotry, and white-collar crime is nothing you need to bother yourself with. Praise to the Wolves!

In this zine ... 

This zine is a setting for How High, a fantasy industrial city. Imagine if 1880s Denver, Colorado was ruled over by a pack of wolf gods who were being driven to madness by rapid industrialization and growing bigotry within their territory. Imagined that? Okay, you've got the gist. 

The zine includes: 

  • An 8-page zine with custom layout on each page
  • Three city factories 
  • Roll tables for businesses, restaurants, and leisure spots 
  • Six NPCs involved in various aspects of the city 
  • Seven Six wolf gods and their domains 
  • Three plot hooks for your PCs to get into messes with 

Included with purchase:

  • Formatted zine in spreads and pages 
  • Low-designed, printer friendly zine in pages and foldable spreads
  • A plaintext document in OpenDyslexic font

Content warnings: 

  • Religion and religious control, ambiguous in-universe bigotry, guns, murder

Don't trust me? Hear what one loyal citizen has to say:

"What the fuck is wrong with this place. Dear gods. Get me out of here. Oh, kebabs--!"


Get this setting and 16 more for $15.00 USD
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$5.00 $2.00 USD or more

In order to download this setting you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2 USD. You will get access to the following files:

How High spreads.pdf 19 MB
How High pages.pdf 19 MB
How High printer zine.pdf 3.5 MB
How High Printer Pages.pdf 3.4 MB
How High dyslexia plaintext.pdf 801 kB

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